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"Did you know that 12% of police officer injuries happen during their department's training" -League of MN Cities (LMC). For 2018-2022, the average lost time training injury claim for LMCIT insured police departments cost $47,200! - LMC
(Government Agencies)
Explore our different training space and facility features available for public safety agency use. Featuring nearly 198,000 square feet of indoor & outdoor training space available.
Please note that a rate increase will be effective 1/1/2025 for various training spaces.
This is necessary to keep up with the rising costs for utilities and maintenance
of our range systems etc.
*Note: Any reservation outside of regular business hours requires a $30 per hour add-on fee for a staff member to be onsite.

Prices subject to change without notice. Reservation is required to use the HERO Center training space and range facilities. Certain restrictions apply.
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